GNLD Neolife Carotenoid Complex
Numerous studies link carotenoids—yellow, orange, red, and green pigments in fruits and vegetables to reduced risks for cancer and heart disease, enhanced immunity, and tissue protection. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of carotenoids, but most people do not eat the 5-13 daily servings recommended for optimal health. GNLD’s Carotenoid Complex is a whole-food supplement whose benefits have been demonstrated in human studies conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and university researchers. Each capsule provides the complete carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables.
Why GNLD Carotenoid Complex?
n Broad-spectrum, lipid-soluble nutrient supplementation. More than just beta-carotene, Carotenoid Complex provides a variety of carotenoid “family members” as they naturally occur in the human food chain in fruits and vegetables. Research continues to show that individual carotenoids play different and specific roles as part of the body’s complex defense system against illness and disease.
n Whole-food ingredients. Our exclusive blend of carotenoid-rich extracts and concentrates is derived from whole tomatoes, carrots, spinach, red bell peppers, strawberries, apricots, and peaches.
n 15 powerful carotenoid family members. Our unique formula has been tested and shown to deliver alpha-, beta-, cis-beta-, gamma-, and zeta-carotene, lycopene, cis-lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, alpha- and beta- cryptoxanthin, violaxanthin, canthaxanthin, capsanthin, and cryptocapsin.
n Exclusive NutriMax Process®. Advanced technology yields a 98% extraction efficiency. Also includes low- temperature processing and oxygen-free encapsulation to guarantee high potency of lipid-soluble carotenoid nutrients.
n More antioxidant power than vitamins C and E! One capsule of Carotenoid Complex equals the antioxidant power of 800 IU of vitamin E, or 400 mg. of vitamin C.*
n Natural base of pure olive oil. Part of the human food chain, olive oil promotes ingredient stability and helps optimize carotenoid absorption.
n Contains pure lecithin from soybeans. Lecithin helps maximize stability of carotenoid nutrients and aids their dispersion during digestion.
n 100% natural. Contains no artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or sweeteners.
n Low sodium.
n Convenient serving. Each capsule provides the complete carotenoid value of an optimal serving of a wide variety of carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables — just one more way to help you meet the recommended dietary intake of 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
When it comes to delivering pure carotenoid power, Carotenoid Complex puts hundreds of pounds in the palm
of your hand. To deliver the total carotenoid power in a single bottle of the new Carotenoid Complex, you’d have to eat:
of your hand. To deliver the total carotenoid power in a single bottle of the new Carotenoid Complex, you’d have to eat:
250 pounds or more of the raw vegetables and fruits it’s made from. Research shows that your body absorbs only 5-10% of the carotenoids in raw vegetables and fruits.
50 pounds or more of the steamed vegetables and fruits Carotenoid Complex is made from. Research shows food preparation affects carotenoid bioavailability. Steamed fruits and vegetables increase bioavailability 30-50%.
18 pounds or more of steamed and puréed fruits and vegetables (baby food). Steamed and puréed fruits and vegetables have the best bioavailability—up to 70%, which is the method of raw material preparation utilized in Carotenoid Complex.
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists conducted clinical research studies on Carotenoid Complex, GNLD’s exclusive broad- spectrum carotenoid supplement from whole foods, and published their findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals. The USDA studies showed that Carotenoid Complex:
n Dramatically enhanced the immune response of white blood cells — “natural killer” cells and lymphocytes — greater than responses obtained at baseline and with beta-carotene supplementation alone.
n Reduced blood lipid oxidation, an event that may contribute to atherosclerosis, the arterial blockage that can lead to heart disease and stroke.
n Prevented the oxidation of cellular lipids, whereas supplementation with beta-carotene alone did not. Oxidation can contribute to the development of cancer and other diseases.
Negli alimenti di origine animale si trova il retinolo, quindi la vitamina preformata. Gli alimenti più ricchi sono il fegato, il tuorlo d’uovo, il burro, l’olio di fegato di merluzzo e alcuni pesci. Negli alimenti di origine vegetale invece troviamo la provitamina A, ovvero i carotenoidi, che sono il precursore chimico di questo micronutriente. Carote, spinaci, pomodori, peperoni, zucca, cavoli, lattuga, prezzemolo, aglio, broccoli, pesche, albicocche, meloni: sono tutte valide fonti di provitamina A.
Tra i carotenoidi merita particolare attenzione il licopene, di cui è ricco il pomodoro e che viene attivato dal calore, che grazie alla sua azione antiossidante protegge le cellule dall’invecchiamento.
I migliore integratore al mondo ovvero il + concentrato ( ogni capsula contiene 600 carotenoidi ) è :
Miscela esclusiva di carotenoidi estratti da alimenti integrali, ovvero un’ampia varietà di frutta e verdura.
- Composto al 100% da frutta e verdura.
- La carota, grazie al contenuto di carotenoidi, contribuisce al benessere della vista.
- Il pomodoro, grazie al contenuto in licopene, esercita una funzione antiossidante e supporta la funzionalità della prostata.
- La vitamina A (in cui il nostro organismo trasforma alcuni carotenoidi) contribuisce alla funzione del sistema immunitario.

Ingredienti: Gelatina, Miscela di carotenoidi (Oleoresine di carota, Paprika, Pomodoro e spinaci, Olio di girasole), Olio d’oliva, Agente di resistenza: Glicerolo, Olio di soia idrogenato, Miscela di frutti (Fragola in polvere, Albicocca in polvere, Pesca in polvere), Emulsionante: Lecitina di soia, Vitamina E (D-α–Tocoferolo(Soia), Olio di girasole), Colorante: E172.
Modalità d’uso: 1-3 capsule al giorno. Non superare la dose giornaliera consigliata. Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto. Gli integratori alimentari non devono essere considerati sostituti di una dieta variata ed equilibrata ed uno stile di vita sano.
Ingredienti: Gelatina, Miscela di carotenoidi (Oleoresine di carota, Paprika, Pomodoro e spinaci, Olio di girasole), Olio d’oliva, Agente di resistenza: Glicerolo, Olio di soia idrogenato, Miscela di frutti (Fragola in polvere, Albicocca in polvere, Pesca in polvere), Emulsionante: Lecitina di soia, Vitamina E (D-α–Tocoferolo(Soia), Olio di girasole), Colorante: E172.
Modalità d’uso: 1-3 capsule al giorno. Non superare la dose giornaliera consigliata. Conservare in luogo fresco e asciutto. Gli integratori alimentari non devono essere considerati sostituti di una dieta variata ed equilibrata ed uno stile di vita sano.
Price : 55,25 Euro
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