■ Broad-spectrum, whole-food supplementation. Garlic Allium Complex
features powders and extracts from the variety
of allium vegetables — garlic, onion, chive, and leek —
linked in numerous research studies to good health, and assures your daily intake of diverse, beneficial nutrients from the allium “family.”*
■ Unique process to protect natural enzymes. The enzyme alliance is required for
the formation of allicin, the critical sulfur compound responsible for many of garlic’s health benefits. NeoLife's special technology protects alliance from destruction by stomach acid.
■ Guaranteed allicin content. Each serving provides 4,200 mcg of active allicin from high-yield garlic extracts.
Research studies show
that this amount — equivalent to that found in one clove
of fresh garlic — effectively promotes health.*
■ Nutrient family approach. Includes not only allicin but
also other bioactive compounds.
(for example, oil-soluble substances from fresh garlic and onion), which exist naturally in allium vegetables and work together in different ways
to benefit health.
■ Targeted Delivery Technology. Enteric
coating maximizes the product’s stability and absorption
and insures the formation of active allicin in the intestines.
As a result, Garlic Allium Complex does not cause
repeating or garlic breath!
■ Contains rosemary, a potent antioxidant
herb which helps protect the tablet contents.
■ Convenient. Provides an easy way to reap
the benefits of allium vegetables without having to eat a
clove of fresh raw garlic every day.
Oltre ad insaporire e profumare i nostri pasti, l'aglio può anche aiutarci a mantenere la "pancia piatta" grazie ad un principio molto importante, l'allicina, che uccide i batteri nocivi nel tratto digestivo e mantiene il nostro intestino funzionante ed in buona salute. Inoltre ha un effetto anti-obesità grazie alle proteine che stimola nel fegato.
x chi non mangia l' AGLIO può sostituire con GARLIC
capsule di AGLIO & CIPOLLA che non fa rinvenire il
sapore dell' aglio, anche se preso a digiuno , in quanto è stata tolta l' allina che è la causa dell' odore x alcuni " sgradevole " !

Price : 16,90 Euro
For buying or being distributor :
Tel : 3339502679 ( ITALY )
Whatsapp : 00989121961267
Email :a.joula88@gmail.com
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