Monday, May 16, 2016

GNLD Neolife  Golden products

Omega 3 Salmon Oil Plus

Attention:For Tendonitis, arthritis and any kind of joint
 pain Our Omega 3 plus works 
very well with

See great results in 

one month or two!

It has long been known and proven that omega-3 fatty acids 

play critical roles in the human diet. In particular,

 two omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil,

 EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) have been well researched.

Today the latest scientific research not only continues
 to validate the important roles of EPA and DHA in 
human health, but it has also shown that there is a whole 
family of omega-3 fatty acids, a total of eight in all, which
 contribute to optimal human nutrition. This critically important
 chain of dietary omega-3 fatty acids starts with
 ALA (alpha linolenic acid) and ends with
 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), taking six important steps 
along the way. Each is now known to have its own unique biochemistry and supporting “synergistic” role in human
 omega-3 nutrition.
The United States Department of Agriculture suggests that 
all adults eat 2-3 servings of fish each week for optimal health. Unfortunately, the problem for many adults is that they eat 
very little fish on a consistent basis and rarely meet this 
important nutritional need. Large portions of the population go without getting any broad spectrum omega-3 supplementation
 for weeks, sometimes months. Not to mention the fact that 
much of the fish supply is suspect due to environmental contamination. Pregnant women, who have the highest dietary needs for omega-3 fatty acids, ironically are instructed to limit 
their fish intake to one serving per week, due to contamination
GNLD solves the problem of inadequate omega-3 fatty acid 
intake with Salmon Oil Plus. Pure and potent, Salmon Oil Plus provides a complete omega-3 profile of salmon oil with all eight members of the omega-3 fatty acid family, assuring complete
 omega-3 supplementation in every dose. 

  Why supplement with fish oil rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

■ Fatty fish is the richest source of healthful omega-3 fatty
 acids, but most of us do not eat the 2-3 servings per week that experts recommend for optimal health.
 Supplementation has been proven to be an effective means 
of increasing dietary omega-3 fatty acids.
■ Omega-3 fatty acids support optimal function of body tissues and organs, notably the heart, blood vessels, brain, nerves, eyes,
skin, and joints.
 Omega-3 fatty acids may prohibit overproduction of 
substances that cause inflammation and contribute to arthritis, menstrual pain, psoriasis, inflamed bowel and other conditions.
 Omega-3 fatty acids, crucial to the development of infant
 brain and eyes, are naturally present in mother’s milk. Infants, whose mothers consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids,
 have higher omega-3 fatty acid levels compared to those
 whose mothers do not consume omega-3-rich foods.
■ Omega-3 fatty acids may slow aging of the brain. Older 
adults who supplement their diets with EPA and DHA have demonstrated greater cognitive function when compared to 
those who don’t.
 Omega-3 fatty acids may prevent asthmatic mothers from
 passing it on to their offspring.
■ People who do not like fish can get the omega-3 fatty acids
 they need for optimal health from fish oil supplements.

Why Salmon Oil Plus?

■ Salmon Oil Plus is based on pure, natural salmon oil, 
providing all the benefits of one of nature's richest sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
 It includes UHPO3-Ultra High Potency Omega-3 fatty 
acids-an exclusive GNLD technology that boosts, stabilizes
 and standardizes specific, health promoting omega-3 fatty acid 
levels while maintaining the whole food goodness of natural
 salmon oil.
 It’s the first supplement of its kind to assure a standardized amount of all eight members of the omega-3 family involved in human nutrition.
 It's derived by “molecular differentiation” –leading edge technology that selects specific nutrient molecules from tuna, sardines, and anchovies, while eliminating or reducing others, delivering unsurpassed potency, purity, and consistency.
 It’s safe, with no risk of accumulated toxins. Only the finest, 
top quality, health-screened, disease-free fish selected for
 human consumption are used. All sources are screened for
 more than 200 potential contaminants with an allowable
 detection limit of ZERO. 
 Potency guaranteed to deliver 460 mg EPA, 480 mg DHA, 
50 mg DPA, and 80 mg mixed omega-3 fatty acids with
 every 3-capsule serving. 
■ No hidden vitamins A or D. 



Con gli omega 3 diminuisce rischio artrite Nelle donne con un consumo superiore a 
0,35 grammi al giorno il rischio è risultato minore del 52 % Il consumo di acidi grassi 
omega 3 contenuti nel pesce riduce per le donne il rischio di sviluppare artrite
 reumatoide. Lo afferma uno studio del Karolinska Institute di Stoccolma pubblicato 
dalla rivista Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. I ricercatori hanno studiato 32mila
 donne nate tra il 1914 e il 1948 e tra il 2003 e il 2010, dividendole in cinque 
categorie in base al consumo di omega 3 dal pesce, da un minimo di 0,21 grammi al
 giorno o meno a un massimo di mezzo grammo al giorno. Nel periodo studiato 205 
donne hanno sviluppato l'artrite reumatoide, e nelle donne che avevano un consumo superiore a 0,35 grammi al giorno il rischio è risultato minore del 52 % Sopra questa quantità - spiegano gli autori - non sembrano esserci ulteriori benefici, mentre il
 consumo di almeno una porzione a settimana sembra diminuire il rischio del 29 % 

OMEGA 3 PLUS gnld - olio salmone pressato a freddo x mantenere tutte le proprietà organolettiche del pesce.

Price : 33,19 Euro

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For buying or being a distributor :

TEL : 3339502679 ( ITALY )

WHATSAPP : 00989121961267

Email :




Joint pain is the most frequent cause of physical disability 
among adults, impacting both quality of life and finances. 
It affects more than 40 million Americans and more than half 
the U.S. population age 65 or older. Glucosamine is an amino
 sugar that exists naturally in our body. It is the building block of molecules 
that gives structure and resilience to cartilage and it is essential 
for the function and integrity of joints. Glucosamine has been 
shown to be effective in reducing pain and other symptoms associated with joint pain and to stimulate the regeneration of 
joint cartilage.

Why a Glucosamine Supplement?

■ Promote healthy and comfortable joints. Glucosamine is the building block of proteoglycan, one of the main structural components of cartilage. Studies show that glucosamine
 stimulates cartilage cells (chondrocytes) to produce 
proteoglycans, thus normalizing cartilage metabolism and 
keeping it healthy.
■ Slow down the breakdown of cartilage. Studies have shown 
that glucosamine may inhibit the activity of enzymes responsible for breakdown of cartilage. Glucosamine may also support healthy inflammation.
■ Help build, repair and regenerate cartilage. Studies have 
shown that glucosamine can stimulate chondrocytes to begin producing healthy new cartilage matrix. Glucosamine has been shown to stimulate the regeneration of experimentally-induced cartilage damage.
■ Reduce pain and other common symptoms. Studies show 
that joint tenderness and restriction of movement also improve
 with glucosamine supplementation.While glucosamine alone 
does not produce the immediate dramatic reduction in pain 
associated with over-the-counter pain relievers and
 anti-inflammatory drugs like Tylenol® or Advil®, its ability to
 reduce pain is consistent and increases throughout its use,
 leading to long-term improvement.
■ Glucosamine is quickly and efficiently absorbed from the
 intestinal tract and is rapidly incorporated into joint cartilage. 
Studies using tagged glucosamine to allow scientists to follow
 the compound through the subject’s bodies found that
 glucosamine did indeed travel to the joints and incorporated
 itself into the cartilage to help stimulate new cartilage growth.

Our Solution: Full Motion 

■ Provides 1500 mg of glucosamine, the “therapeutic” dose
 shown in studies to reduce pain and stiffness.*
■ Pharmaceutically pure, biologically functional glucosamine
 from Glucosamine Hydrochloride—easy to digest and
 sulfite-free—minimizing digestive discomfort and allergic
■ Natural, high-quality source of purified glucosamine.
■ Herbal Comfort Complex, an exclusive blend of Bromelain, 
White Willow, and Boswellia, ingredients that promote long 
lasting relief.*
■ Regenerative Mineral Complex, an exclusive blend of synergistically critical Zinc, Boron, and Silica, key minerals for
 joint health.*
■ 3D Advantage, which provides optimal bioavailability through maximum Disintegration, Dissolution, and Dispersion.
■ Formulated under the direction of the SAB using leading edge science. 

a base di MOLLUSCHI 
Contiene crostacei
(aragoste, gamberetti e gamberi di fiume)

x Cartilagine - Artrosi  -  Artrite 

• Complesso minerale 3 rigeneratore che include  una miscela di Zinco, Boro e Silice, minerali chiave per una migliore salute. Questi  minerali sono inclusi per agevolare l'assorbimento, evitare la disintegrazione, la dissoluzione e la dispersione della cartilagine, migliorando così  il naturale movimento delle giunture articolari.

Price : 39,00 Euro 

x acquisti o x diventare distributore :

For buying or being a distributor :

TEL : 3339502679 ( ITALY )

WHATSAPP : 00989121961267

Email :

1 comment:

  1. x acquisti o x diventare distributori telefono 3495256058

    FRANCESCA MODUGNO rappresentante GNLD golden NEOLIFE

    x acquisti o x diventare distributori telefono 3495256058


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